Ketogenic Diet or keto diet

Ketogenic diet

It is a new type of diet introduced by some fools as a fast way to loose fat(fat loss diet) which resulted in making people sick and having a very bad experience with dieting as this diet focus on having a high fat diet where the carbohydrate is neglected or minimised to around 50 gram per day. Its name came from the word ketosis where ketosis simply means a process in which fat is converted to glucose or used as a source of energy due to absence of carbohydrate in the food.

Why keto diet is useless?

  • Our brain and cells uses glucose to keep it functioning, introducing kitones to the brain may result in creating discomfort for our brain.More study is required in this field.
  • It is very hard to select food having very less carbohydrate in it and to be healthy as well with lots of vitamins and minerals.
  • At initial stage people may lose some fat cells quickly but as our body adapts the change it may again be as difficult as a normal low calorie diet to loose fat cells.
  • A person with high body fat percentage if starts losing fat cells very quickly then he may end up up having a loose skin.
  • 90% of the people who followed keto diet failed within weeks according to some survey.
  • If not followed properly this diet may increase cholesterol as this diet is very high in fat.
  • If the HDL and LDL levels are not balanced then the person may suffer from severe cardiac diseases.
  • Ketone bodies are acidic by their very nature, although blood pH is typically well-regulated by our kidneys and lungs. While there may be a theoretical detriment to mild acidosis.
  • If the fat percentage per day is not adequate then the body may use proteins as a source of energy and convert it into glucose.
  • There is no notable difference of fat loss in a ketogenic diet as compared to a strict low calorie diet. 


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