What is Corona virus (COVID-19)


Corona virus is a type of virus which is responsible for causing disease like common cold,fever, respiratory disease which is present in our surrounding long ago but the virus which created news is a new subspecies of Corona virus named COVID-19 .


This subspecies is a mutant form of Corona virus which cannot be destroyed as easily as CoV.This is a virus which was not found in humans till 2019.It is believed to be transmitted from animals to human through direct contact.It was first identified in a human being who belonged to China and according to news it is believed that due to eating of creature's like bat,rat,snake etc as in culture of Chinese have resulted in spreading this virus, as COVID-19 is found in these animals/reptiles.One another story from news is that China has created this virus in it's lab to use it as a biological weapon.whatever may be the story but now it's creating a panicking situation world wide and news /social media has hyped it more due to its report of a number of death's.

Here are some of the symptoms of COVID-19 mentioned according to WHO

  • Dry cough
  • Shortness of breath
  • Fever.
  • Headache   Etc

Some of the key facts to remember about COVID-19 to prevent it from spreading further and to keep everyone safe.

  • The size of this virus is quite large than other viruses so it cannot travel a long distance via air so very less chance of spreading from one person to another without direct contact
  • Wearing a mask can help preventing the virus from entering into our body.
  • Try not a bring our hand near your mouth,nose,eyes to prevent the virus from entering in our body if the virus by any chance came to your hand.
  • Try to keep your hands clean by using hand sanitizers(with some form of alcohol in it) or a good quality soap
  • If possible go for a run nearby,workout,yoga or do any form of sports to keep your immune system strong to fight this virus if it enters in the body or for preventive measures.
  • Try eating foods rich in Vitamins and minerals to keep you strong.
  • Avoid travelling ,public gatherings,public transport etc
  • Older adults/Children's or individuals with preexisting health conditions, such as diabetes or asthma, are more likely to become severely ill due to COVID-19.
  • At high temperature this virus is believed to be destroyed so as summer is approaching,it is believed to disappear soon.
  • Keep yourself hydrated and drink plenty of water.
  • It's vaccine is soon to be out and lot of people have been reported to be cured.
  • The death's to that of infected ration is very less.Still need to be taking it seriously though.
Lastly stay away from the bullshit going on in the media/social media and follow this basic guidelines to stay safe and keep your family safe.
                             Thank You


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